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Dallas City Code
City of Dallas, Texas Code of Ordinances, Land Development Code - Print Version
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City of Dallas, Texas Code of Ordinances, Land Development Code - Print Version.
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City of Dallas, Texas Code of Ordinances, Land Development Code - Print Version
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Land Development Code,
(Volume III) of the
City of Dallas, Texas Code of Ordnances
, in print. The printed version of this code includes a binder and separator tabs, a comprehensive table, and an index to make your search easier. You can add supplement updates under "Choose Options".
City of Dallas employees should contact us directly for internal pricing and order forms.
Contained in Volume III:
Chapter 51A Dallas Development Code
General Provisions
Interpretations and Definitions
Decisionmaking and Administrative Bodies
Zoning Regulations
Floodplain and Escarpment Zone Regulations
Environmental Performance Standards
Sign Regulations
Plat Regulations
Landscape and Tree Conservation Regulations
Historic Preservation Tax Exemptions and Economic Development Incentives for Historic Properties
Gas Drilling and Production
Form Districts
The index is an alphabetical list of words, phrases, or topics mentioned in the Code. This list is added to the end of the book.
Comprehensive Tables:
A collection of references to prior code sections, state law cited in the Code, and local ordinances and resolutions.
The standard American Legal Publishing 3-ring binder is navy blue with red accents and gold embossed text.
Divider/separator Tabs:
Tabbed dividers separate chapters of the Code of Ordinances, making it easy to find specific information in the code.
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